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Who We Are

 A uniquely Australian church, the Uniting Church from it’s onset, seeks to be a loud voice for a just and compassionate world; to welcome everyone as they are; and to protect God’s creation and the planet we live on. 


What We Believe

When asked how a person should live, Jesus answered:


      "Love the Lord your God with all your heart.  Love him with all                 your soul, and love him with all your mind.  This is the first and              great commandment.  And there is a second like it:  'You shall

      love your neighbour as yourself'.


None of us have done this.  We have turned our back on God and on our neighbour.


We believe that Jesus came from God, as fully human and fully God, to pay the price of our disobedience...of our turning our back on God.

We believe Jesus offered a perfect sacrifice in our place by his life, death and resurrection.


When we acknowledge our disobedience (sin); turn from it (repent); believing Jesus paid the price, God's Holy Spirit comes to live in us, helping us to live loving God and loving our neighbour. 


We believe God's Holy Spirit claims us as eternal citizens of God's kingdom.  This is eternal life.


We believe this is what it means to be a in God's love and acceptance.







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